We are at your Service

Whether you require a proof of insurance fraud,find out about your employee or suspect your spouse for unfaithfulness,we are there at your service.

We are a team of Experts

We have a team of Professional and Experienced Private Investigators who delve into the details of your case and carries out detailed analysis and interpretation with due dilligence.

We are Highly Affordable

We Specialize in a range of investigation types and are experts in dealing with just any type of case you require - and all this at a highly affordable rate.

Monday 27 February 2012

NYC Private Investigators Working on Cyber Crime

Cyber crime is the new age offense that has left every department in utter confusion and pressure. Life without internet is next to impossible as every business transaction or banking activities and even secret information are all stored in the web. But if it gets hacked, the only person to help you in detecting this crime is none other than the NYC Private Investigators. Various techniques have been used including inserting alpha-numeric passwords, face detection and many others but none has been successful. This very reason a number of organizations appointed new york private detectives to get hold of the culprit behind the crime.

Cyber crimes can be of various types and spam is one of the most known among them. Usually, the hackers send bulk mails to a number of randomly chosen people. These emails contain links that spreads viruses whenever they are opened. Though it is an illegal action but government still needs to have a control over this crime. NYC Private Investigators has even dealt with frauds. They can log onto your account and can hack down the credit card numbers or security numbers. They even have the ability to track down government website and misuse available data. 

Social networking sites allow people to get in touch with anyone around the globe. The NYC Private Investigators states, this has also become a means of crime in the cyber world. Psychological and mental harassment along with the facility to create a fake identity has made networking sites a new tool for conducting web offences. Even sophisticated mafias and other gangs use encrypted codes and operate criminal activities around the world with an easy access through internet. 

The NYC Private Investigators works very hard to keep a control over the cyber crime. The state government also needs to keep a regular check on the cyber world to resist such crimes. For more information about new york private detectives, log on to www.newyorkcity-privateinvestigators.com

Wednesday 22 February 2012

New York Private Detective Using Cameras for Investigations

Investigation and cameras are two interlinked factors. NYC Private Investigators hardly operates an inspection without carrying a camera because you never know when and where evidences could be found. Technological advancement has changed the size of a typical camera and some of which you can carry without even letting the suspect know that he is on watch. It would be wrong to judge the ability of these cameras by its size. Capturing clear videos, record conversations or taking a long distance photographs are some of its features. Nowadays mobile phones too have high definition cameras, but New York Private Detective always depend on the good and strong lens, spy as well as security cameras for better investigations. 

 NYC Private Investigators prefer hidden cameras while monitoring a suspected individual or an area. The ability to record the audio as well as the video of a suspect has made these covert cameras very effective. Moreover, these cameras can be installed anywhere and has strong batteries to last for a certain period of time. In case the New York Private Detective wants to conduct an overnight survey, the night vision feature can help them.
Wireless cameras are another preferred gadget of NYC Private Investigators. The Wi-Fi technique allows to avoid the excess wires and to carry out investigation by putting up just a small recording bug on your body. New York Private Detective depends on the video security cameras to collect information about certain area like the parking lot, shopping mall, etc. The data can be a very powerful source of evidences, in case of a suspicious accident.
You can hire the private investigators of the renowned firm, New York City Private Investigators, for an adequate coverage of your cases. The company uses different types of cameras for successful results. 

For more information on New York Private Detective, log on to www.newyorkcity-privateinvestigators.com.

Monday 20 February 2012

Importance of Training for New York Private Detectives

You may love investigative movies or detective books but if you want to change your love into passion, training is the most important prerequisite. There are a large number of NYC Private Investigators training centre, some of which are even available online and some are affiliated organizations under the instructions of New York private detectives or ex investigators. You can even join some investigator services that offer apprenticeship programs in their own organizations. You can have the skills but that needs to be honed in order to run surveillance, study evidences and develop those abilities to become a successful investigator.
Work has become much streamlined and the New York private detectives have specialized in their investigations like background checks, skip tracing, insurance investigator and so on. 

Online training has gained much popularity and many renowned NYC Private Investigators services provide tutorials on equipment usages, study of fingerprints and marketing techniques and others.  There are number of affiliated organizations offering certified courses in private investigations. It also organizes periodic exams to test the ability of the students as well as the amount of knowledge that has been successfully acquired. In order to work in accordance to the state, it even teaches civil and criminal laws to the students. To become professional New York private detectives, it is a prime element to obey state norms of investigations. On job training is a lucrative offer as the freshers can learn more when things are practical. Many investigative firms recruits basic trained investigators and offer them an apprentice training in private investigations. After the courses end, some organization even recruits the best of the lot as their own detective.
The pay scale of these courses may vary but they are very effective in becoming NYC Private Investigators.
For more information, on New York private detectives log on to  

Thursday 16 February 2012

New York Private Detectives Analyzing Homicide Scene

Killing someone mercilessly is the most hideous of all the crimes. However, studying a homicide case is very difficult as some killers are professionals and they hardly leave any marks after committing the felony. New York private detectives detecting crimes of such level should be trained enough to follow every trail and get positive results. Television series have already shown enough, how these New York City private investigators work, but things are not that simple since the private investigators need to take permission of the state officials as well as the family of the victim to make an in-depth study.

Planning is one of the most vital parts before conducting any investigations. As a precaution the homicide scene should be under strict vigilance, not allowing any other individuals to enter the restricted area other than the authorized sections. New York private detectives should use disposable gloves and proper containers for collecting evidences. Interviewing the family members and even those who have meet the victim for the last time before death, is essential for operating the investigation in a channelized way.
For carrying out survey, the New York City private investigators must have measuring tapes, photographers and even sketchers to have some idea about the suspect. Collecting foot prints, finger prints, murder weapons as well as study the blood samples for conducting DNA research further helps in the process of homicide investigations.
Looking for evidences is one of the objectives of an investigator and in order to do that he can study the interior homicide scene as well as the exterior areas too. The New York private detectives should work cautiously without leaving their own trail in the crime scene.
For more information on New York City private investigators, log on to www.newyorkcity-privateinvestigators.com

Monday 13 February 2012

New York Private Detective Tracking Techniques

Tracking the trail marks of the suspects are the prime objectives of the New York City private investigators. After a crime has been committed and the culprit runs away, the first task of a New York Private Detective is to get all the clues that point towards the suspect. There are plenty of tracking devices and investigators use most of these for better coverage of the cases. Apart from the typical tools used for the surveillance, video, photography, informants and even wire taps are other means to conduct a fruitful surveillance. The main intention behind these techniques is to keep an eye on the suspect at a distance and at times close enough without being recognized. 

Investigation without taking photographs is next to impossible. A New York Private Detective should be trained enough to click photos randomly whenever required, even when he is following the suspect by foot. Moreover, when they are stationed outside the suspect’s house as a part of their task, it is a priority to click on the pictures of all those people whom the suspect meets. It helps out to take the survey ahead. If necessary videos should also be taken to record the criminal actions and used it later in the court as a strong proof against the suspect. Informants are another way of conducting investigation by gathering information about the suspect from various trusted sources. There are certain unauthorized forms of surveillance like hidden cameras and wiretaps that has raised much question. Government has made it clear that all police officers as well as the New York City private investigators should get a warrant or legal consent to carry out such forms of inspection.
Detail inspection is vital for a successful investigation and New York City private investigators have to depend on the various surveillance techniques and mechanism. For more information about New York Private Detective services, log on to www.newyorkcity-privateinvestigators.com..

Friday 10 February 2012

Resist Child Abuses Appointing New York private detectives

Child abuses have become a matter of great concern for each and every government and the worst part is, inspite of stringent laws it keeps on coming back. To stay safe it is essential to inform children about such abuses, so that they refrain from meeting up unknown people.

Families that have been a victim of child abuses or suspicious of any such chances had appointed New York private detectives to work on their cases. However, it has also been stated that the families must also learn few techniques to protect themselves from possible disaster. From the analysis provided by the NYC private investigators, it has been found that the abuses leave a deep impact on the children psychology.
The NYC private investigators perform surveillance with the help of hidden cameras and other undercover techniques. Some of the investigators put in hidden cameras in the toys to find out the child abuser or the reason behind the abuses. New York private detectives stated sexual abuses can be traced through the attitude of a child refusing to visit someone, or an adult showing excessive interest in a child or giving presents without any reasons. 
Apart from sexual abuses, negligence towards children from the part of parents can be a major issue. Blaming the kid constantly or showing him inferior in comparison to others hurt their sentiments, making them live an isolated and fearful life.
It has been found that a number of children had to take up medical treatments to get rid of the trauma of abuses. If you want to keep an eye on the abusers or resist any such chances appoint New York private detectives. For more information on NYC private investigators services, log on to www.newyorkcity-privateinvestigators.com.

Thursday 9 February 2012

New York Private Detectives Adopt Radio Marketing Services

Have you ever considered radio advertising for NYC Private Investigators? Most businesses and professional services advertise via radio. The target audiences include families, owners, attorneys, insurance companies, employees and others. However, not many New York private detectives use radio advertising which is an advantage for companies who do and they stand out in the competition.

Encourage your audience to call at no cost or advertise something that gets their attention to contact you. “Ten things you must know”
  •    Do you suspect your spouse cheating?
  •    Do you need a background check on someone?
  •    Are you being bugged?
  •  What evidence do you need for your trial?
  •  Do you know someone who is making false claims?
  • Would you like to find a lost friend, a family member or a relative?
  •   Your legal rights to take action on someone
  • Verifying a profession if they are licensed 
  •  In need of an address or criminal history check? 
  •    Bankruptcy, Judgments & Lien Searches                
  •   Do you need phone records? 
  •    Do you need bank records? 
  •    Suspicions of your child safety
    Or simply state your NYC Private Investigators advertisement in these steps: 
  •    Pinpoint your audience 
  •    Inform them of your services 
  •   Be detailed and concise  
  •    Involve humor or have them entertained
Although advertising can be pricy, radio stations help you write the ad and professionally record it for you. For a single voice radio ad it could cost around $850-$900 and advertising through multiple stations it could cost up to $2,500 for a week.  Using radio advertising could be effective to target your customer base and reach a number of potential customers. For more information on New York private detectives and investigation services, you can log on to www.newyorkcity-privateinvestigators.com

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Surveillance by New York Private Detective

A New York private detective out in the field conducting surveillance is trained experienced and have many techniques on observation to obtain evidence.  They have the skill and ability to see clearly, retain and then record accurately. New York Private investigators believe to become an effective observer, one needs conscious practices of looking and remembering and a properly trained memory is also essential. 
If detailed activities of the subject are not noted and noticed, the surveillance become worthless. Here are key areas to focus while foot surveillance is conducted by New York Private investigators.  

Obtaining Evidence Techniques:
·         Tracing missed references
·         Emergency contact information
·         Address and postmarks on envelopes
·         Account numbers
·         Addresses on checks
·         License plate, badge
·         Caller ID information
·         Vehicles
·         Obvious location information

Several techniques to become an effective observer are the following:
·         Repetition, conducting more investigations
·         Consistency,  complicated sequences of actions can be memorized by going through the sequences again and again
·         Grouping, images, street signs, people etc.
·         Mnemonics, linking an image to the information, which needs to be remembered

Several techniques can help New York private detective to concentrate while they sit on surveillance:

·         Breathing exercises: Breathe deeply and slowly through the nose, and then out through the mouth, pushing air from lungs by sucking in stomach.
·         Minimize distractions possibilities.
·         Many investigators talk to themselves as they watch. Describing the house, office, and grounds into a tape recorder may help New York private detective later when they write report.
·         Most investigators eat to stay alert. Instead of eating carbohydrates that can make New York private investigators sleepy, try fruit, veggies, cheese, nuts, or protein to fuel up the brain. 

In conclusion, the key for observation is to slow down and look over the information with a clear perspective and realize nothing is insignificant.  Obtaining these evidences is on the basis of proof in investigation. For more information on New York Private Detectives and their services, you can log on to www.newyorkcity-privateinvestigators.com.