Thursday 9 February 2012

New York Private Detectives Adopt Radio Marketing Services

Have you ever considered radio advertising for NYC Private Investigators? Most businesses and professional services advertise via radio. The target audiences include families, owners, attorneys, insurance companies, employees and others. However, not many New York private detectives use radio advertising which is an advantage for companies who do and they stand out in the competition.

Encourage your audience to call at no cost or advertise something that gets their attention to contact you. “Ten things you must know”
  •    Do you suspect your spouse cheating?
  •    Do you need a background check on someone?
  •    Are you being bugged?
  •  What evidence do you need for your trial?
  •  Do you know someone who is making false claims?
  • Would you like to find a lost friend, a family member or a relative?
  •   Your legal rights to take action on someone
  • Verifying a profession if they are licensed 
  •  In need of an address or criminal history check? 
  •    Bankruptcy, Judgments & Lien Searches                
  •   Do you need phone records? 
  •    Do you need bank records? 
  •    Suspicions of your child safety
    Or simply state your NYC Private Investigators advertisement in these steps: 
  •    Pinpoint your audience 
  •    Inform them of your services 
  •   Be detailed and concise  
  •    Involve humor or have them entertained
Although advertising can be pricy, radio stations help you write the ad and professionally record it for you. For a single voice radio ad it could cost around $850-$900 and advertising through multiple stations it could cost up to $2,500 for a week.  Using radio advertising could be effective to target your customer base and reach a number of potential customers. For more information on New York private detectives and investigation services, you can log on to


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